Spearbearers in Astrology

Martien Hermes on what makes a Native Eminenthttps://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLsV2hasT90QMcarZ5KuT6A0YrpKBB-iwo

Astrotalk Sperbearers Filmliste – https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLCKPz4q3EX-vMoXNPNZphtIn4zYVQK4S6

https://talk.vonabisw.de/Spearbearers/Martien6.mp4https://talk.vonabisw.de/Spearbearers/Martien7.mp4 – – https://talk.vonabisw.de/Spearbearers/Martien1.mp4https://talk.vonabisw.de/Spearbearers/Martien2.mp4https://talk.vonabisw.de/Spearbearers/Martien3.mp4https://talk.vonabisw.de/Spearbearers/Martien4.mp4https://talk.vonabisw.de/Spearbearers/Martien5.mp4


Lunar Arabic Mansions




Volker Fixsterne – https://horoscopes.astro-seek.com/calculate-fixed-stars-in-natal-chart/?narozeni_den=13&narozeni_mesic=12&narozeni_rok=1949&narozeni_hodina=07&narozeni_minuta=00&narozeni_sekunda=00&narozeni_mesto_hidden=Celle&narozeni_stat_hidden=DE&narozeni_podstat_kratky_hidden=&narozeni_city=Celle,%20Germany&narozeni_sirka_stupne=52&narozeni_sirka_minuty=37&narozeni_sirka_smer=0&narozeni_delka_stupne=10&narozeni_delka_minuty=5&narozeni_delka_smer=0&narozeni_timezone_form=auto&narozeni_timezone_dst_form=auto&house_system=whole_horizon&asc_asp=on&hid_asc_asp=on&hid_fortune=&hid_fortune_check=on&hid_spirit=&hid_spirit_check=on&hid_syzygy=&hid_syzygy_check=on&hid_vertex=on&hid_vertex_check=&hid_chiron=on&hid_chiron_check=&hid_lilith=on&hid_lilith_check=&hid_uzel=&hid_uzel_check=on&fortune_asp=on&hid_fortune_asp=on&uzel_asp=on&hid_uzel_asp=on&tolerance=1&tolerance_paral=1.2&hide_aspects=0&terms=&aya=&house_start=planeta_fortune&&radix=1&aktivni_tab=3&ast_symbol=text&stalice_ukazat=1

Volker Mondhäuser – https://horoscopes.astro-seek.com/calculate-lunar-mansions/?send_calculation=1&narozeni_den=13&narozeni_mesic=12&narozeni_rok=1949&narozeni_hodina=07&narozeni_minuta=00&narozeni_city=Celle%2C+Germany&narozeni_mesto_hidden=Celle&narozeni_stat_hidden=DE&narozeni_podstat_kratky_hidden=&narozeni_podstat_hidden=Lower+Saxony&narozeni_input_hidden=&narozeni_podstat2_kratky_hidden=&narozeni_podstat3_kratky_hidden=&narozeni_sirka_stupne=52&narozeni_sirka_minuty=37&narozeni_sirka_smer=0&narozeni_delka_stupne=10&narozeni_delka_minuty=5&narozeni_delka_smer=0&narozeni_timezone_form=auto&narozeni_timezone_dst_form=auto&division=1&aya=lahiri

Providence and Fate – Divination

Stoa – Als die vernunftgemäss gestaltende und erhaltende Kraft ist die Pronoia mit dem Logos und der Physis identisch. Sie ist die Gottheit von einer bestimmten Seite her gesehen. Unter einem anderen Gesichtspunkt erscheint dies als Heimarmene. – Max Pohlenz: Die Stoa – Geschichte einer geistigen Bewegung – Seite 101 ff.

Pronoia (Vorsehung) und Moira (Schicksal) – Providence and Fate – Providentia et Fatum – Heimarmene (Fügung)

Pronoia (von altgriechisch πρόνοια prónoia „Vorausschau, Vorsicht, Fürsorge, Vorsorge“ – Göttliche Vorsehung oder Fügung

Schicksal – Fatum – Fate – Moira – Schicksalsglaube ist der Glaube bzw. die Überzeugung, dass ein bestimmter Lebensweg oder bestimmte Ereignisse im Leben eines Menschen mehr oder weniger deterministisch  vorherbestimmt sind

Proklos Diadochos : Über die Vorsehung, das Schicksal und den freien Willen an Theodoros, den Ingenieur (Mechaniker) – Proklos Diadochos. Nach Vorarbeiten von Theo Borger ; übersetzt und erläutert von Michael Erler.

Heimarmene – das unausweichliche Verhängnis, Schicksal


Filmlisten – https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLCKPz4q3EX-tSlv6rmowzIAdEXKjpruk_https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLCKPz4q3EX-vxKXpL1J3ajVu7xCdaXoJG

Talk – https://talk.vonabisw.de/Medien/Proklos.mp4

Youtube – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nv9GiarvZHI

Bitchute – https://www.bitchute.com/video/DpjwPdtGdQEM/

Fixed Stars mit Astroseek


Radix Astroseek


Solar 2023

Pdf Biographie – https://talk.vonabisw.de/VHS/Biographie.pdf – Pdf Biography – https://talk.vonabisw.de/VHS/Biography.pdf

Astroseek – https://www.astro-seek.com – Traditional Astrology – https://horoscopes.astro-seek.com/traditional-astrology

Radix – https://horoscopes.astro-seek.com/calculate-traditional-chart/?send_calculation=1&narozeni_den=13&narozeni_mesic=12&narozeni_rok=1949&narozeni_hodina=07&narozeni_minuta=00&narozeni_sekunda=00&narozeni_city=Celle%2C+Germany&narozeni_mesto_hidden=Celle&narozeni_stat_hidden=DE&narozeni_podstat_kratky_hidden=&narozeni_podstat_hidden=Lower+Saxony&narozeni_input_hidden=Celle%2C+Germany&narozeni_podstat2_kratky_hidden=Celle&narozeni_podstat3_kratky_hidden=Celle&narozeni_sirka_stupne=52&narozeni_sirka_minuty=37&narozeni_sirka_smer=0&narozeni_delka_stupne=10&narozeni_delka_minuty=5&narozeni_delka_smer=0&narozeni_timezone_form=auto&narozeni_timezone_dst_form=auto&house_system=whole_horizon&house_system2=&hid_fortune=1&hid_fortune_check=on&hid_spirit=1&hid_spirit_check=on&hid_syzygy=1&hid_uzel=1&hid_uzel_check=on&dekany=on&aya=&custom_aya=&custom_aya_zmena_smer=0&custom_aya_zmena_stupne=00&custom_aya_zmena_minuty=00&custom_aya_zmena_vteriny=00&custom_aya_vlastni_smer=0&custom_aya_vlastni_stupne=00&custom_aya_vlastni_minuty=00&custom_aya_vlastni_vteriny=00&terms=&tolerance=1&zmena_nastaveni=1&aktivni_tab=#tabs_redraw

Planetary Periods

Planetary time periods which refer to the ruling planets and their state in particular times. – The Sanskrit term „dasha“ in Hindu astrology is used to indicate planetary periods. The planetary periods indicate when the good or bad effects are produced according to their placement by sign (Rasi), house (Bhava), combinations (Yogas or Raja Yogas) or aspects (Drishti). – Each dasha is controlled by one of the nine planets, and the quality and relative benevolence of each period is determined by the condition and position of that planet in the natal chart. There are nine planets or grahas which severally rule the nine dashas: the seven classical planets, plus the north node, Rahu, and south node, Ketu, of the Moon.

What are Dashas? – Planetary Periods – The Vimshottari Dasha System in Vedic Astrology – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BtocdjRhV-A

Astroseek – https://horoscopes.astro-seek.com/dasha-vedic-astrology-online-calculator


Lord of Orb und Planetenstunde

Volker – https://talk.vonabisw.de/Planetenstunde/VPlanetenstunde.png

Saturn to be planetary hour ruler. This would make Saturn the starting point for ‘Lord of the Orb’ and rotate in that order.  So at age 7 the Lord of the Orb would rotate back to Saturn once again. – Almutem is Jupiter.

Die Reihe geht aus von den Umlaufzeiten der Planeten. Diese betragen aus irdischer Sicht


THE ANCIENT WORLD ONLINEhttp://ancientworldonline.blogspot.com/2010/12/open-access-hellenistic-astrological.html

The Lord of the Orb in Solar Returns


13.12.1949 – 6:58 – Celle = Tag des Mondes – Mondtag – da die Geburt vor dem Sonnenaufgang liegt – Planetary Hours of the Day – die 23. Planetenstunde des 12. Dezember 1949 wird vonn Saturn regiert. – Der Tagesherrscher des 12.Dezember 1949 ist Mond. – Die 24. Planetenstunde des 12.Dezember 1949 wird von Jupiter regiert.

1949 – Jahresherrscher Merkur – Vom Sonnenaufgang des 13. Dezember 1949 gerechnet – Sonnenaufgang 8:22 bis 9:01 = Mars – 9:01 bis 9:39 = Sonne – 9:39 bis 10:18 = Venus – 10:18 bis 10:56 = Merkur – 10:56 bis 11:35 = Mond – 11:35 bis 12:13 = Saturn – 12:13 – 12:52 =Jupiter – 12:52 bis 13:30 = Mars – 13:30 bis 14:09 = Sonne – 14=9 bis 14:57 = Venus – 14:57 bis 15:26 = Merkur – 15:26 bis 16:05 = (Sonnenuntergang) = Mond

Chaldäische Reihe – https://www.astro.com/astrowiki/de/Chaldäische_Reihe

The Lord of the Orb – 6:58 = Planetenstunde des Saturn = Haus 1 – 1. Lebensjahr – Jupiter = Haus 2 = 2. Lebensjahr – Mars = Haus 3 = 3.Lebenjahr – Sonne = 4.Haus – 4. Lebensjahr – Venus = 5. Haus – 5. Lebensjahr – Merkur = 6. Haus – 6. Lebensjahr – Mond = 7. Haus = 7. Lebensjahr – Saturn = 8. Haus = 8. Lebensjahr -Jupiter = 9. Haus = 9. Lebensjahr – Mars = 10. Haus = 10. Lebensjahr – Sonne 11. Haus = 11. Lebensjahr – Venus = 12. Haus = 12. Lebensjahr – Vom 13. 12. 2022 bis zum 13. 12. 2023 war das 74. Lebensjahr = Haus 2; am 13. Dezember 2023 beginnt mein 75. Lebensjahr = Haus 3 = Wassermann = Zeichenherrscher Saturn – zusätzlich ist in meinem 75. Lebensjahr der Mars der Lord of the Orb.

Solarhoroskop 13.12.2023 = Wiederkehr der Sonne auf 20° 54′ 11“ Schütze = 5 Uhr 56 Minuten 40 Sekunden für Hannover – Mittwoch – Merkurtag – 5:40 bis 7:01 = Planetenstunde des Mondes = 1.Haus

Annual Profections

is an ancient Hellenestic Astrology method of seeing what a theme or area of focus will be for your Solar year, and a key Planet (your “timelord”), based on your Natal Chart. – Using the whole sign House system, starting with the Rising Sign as the 1st House, this will count as your 1st House Profection Year for your first year after birth. Then, in your second year of life, you will move into a 2nd House Profection Year and so on. Every twelve years you will come back to the same House Profection. – Based off of your own personal Natal Chart, the House that is activated for you for the year will also be in a certain Zodiac Sign, and the Planetary ruler of that Sign will be particularly significant for you for that period. It will also activate any personal Planets you have in that House. – It is basically a way of “profecting”, or moving forward, your Rising Sign every birthday. You can also profect your main luminay (Sun Sign for Day Charts and Moon Sign for Night Charts) for more information.

Filmliste The Lord of the Orb in Solar Returns – https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLCKPz4q3EX-sJrME6Bv8yM015CJdPCOaS

https://tonylouis.wordpress.com/2019/03/17/the-lord-of-the-orb-in-solar-returns/ – Lord of the Orb, Primary Directions, Solar Revolutions & Profections – https://www.theabverdict.com/post/lord-of-the-orb-primary-directions-solar-revolutions-profections – Abu Ma’shar on Solar Returns, with Benjamin Dykes – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yU9TF7zeQUo&t=21s – Peter Stockinger on How to Use Solar Returns & Profections in Astrology – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SDDGuVHr38k&t=12s

Myth of Er


– https://www.thoughtco.com/the-myth-of-er-120332

The Daimon and Zodiacal Releasing

Astrology as the teaching of Primordial Principles not of the stars or planets. – Therefore the Planets can never be causes – only signs as representative for one of the seven Primordial Principles – now ten. – As above so below. – The Horoscope as the teaching and learning Plan for the life of the Individual. – Lord not my will, but your will be done. – Theurgy (Greek θεουργία theourgía „work of God“) is an ancient term for religious rites and practices that were intended to enable people to make contact with divine beings and obtain help from them. The practitioner is called a „theurgist“.


Cornelius Agrippa of Nettesheim

Occult Philosophy – https://www.amazon.de/Three-Books-Occult-Philosophy-Llewellyns/dp/0875428320

Martien Hermes – The Hermetic Lots

Filmliste Martien Hermes – The Lotshttps://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLWfUcScvQbEwhBFm0WmUQhFwdHZCE015n

Martien Hermes – The (7 Hermetic) Lots: The conceptual model inspired by Robert Schmidt – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_z0hsxvHAms&list=PLWfUcScvQbEwhBFm0WmUQhFwdHZCE015n&index=1https://talk.vonabisw.de/MHLots/L1.mp4

Lot formulas and symbolism  – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=94ZJ-4w3CqM&list=PLWfUcScvQbEwhBFm0WmUQhFwdHZCE015n&index=2&t=8shttps://talk.vonabisw.de/MHLots/L2.mp4

Calculating Lots and software tips – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PODwA0s0pRM&list=PLWfUcScvQbEwhBFm0WmUQhFwdHZCE015n&index=3https://talk.vonabisw.de/MHLots/L3.mp4

Reversal of Lot formulas and symbolism – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yppSdQPGubQ&list=PLWfUcScvQbEwhBFm0WmUQhFwdHZCE015n&index=4https://talk.vonabisw.de/MHLots/L4.mp4

Rectification video on the Lot-formulas as template for their signification – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LqqQ6pES3Oo&list=PLWfUcScvQbEwhBFm0WmUQhFwdHZCE015n&index=5https://talk.vonabisw.de/MHLots/L5.mp4

Eros and Necessity as BASIS video – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZJEs1YBYVlo&list=PLWfUcScvQbEwhBFm0WmUQhFwdHZCE015n&index=6https://talk.vonabisw.de/MHLots/L6.mp4

7 Lot of Basis and an example chart – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iWucsBbn8xE&list=PLWfUcScvQbEwhBFm0WmUQhFwdHZCE015n&index=7https://talk.vonabisw.de/MHLots/L7.mp4

1 Jung talks part one: Asc + configurations – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aAurov2E9Ws&list=PLWfUcScvQbEwhBFm0WmUQhFwdHZCE015n&index=8https://talk.vonabisw.de/MHLots/L8.mp4

2 Jung talks part two dignities – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YXMvixI6c44&list=PLWfUcScvQbEwhBFm0WmUQhFwdHZCE015n&index=9https://talk.vonabisw.de/MHLots/L9.mp4

3 Jung talks part 3 – essential dignities: Exaltation – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t89PN37WgfY&list=PLWfUcScvQbEwhBFm0WmUQhFwdHZCE015n&index=10https://talk.vonabisw.de/MHLots/L10.mp4

4 Jung talks part 4 Ptolemy – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IHFmkCKAlcA&t=473shttps://talk.vonabisw.de/MHLots/L11.mp4

Eminence 1 Trip rulers  – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ssK3QZhsEYY&t=334shttps://talk.vonabisw.de/MHLots/L12.mp4

Eminence 2 Valens‘ method – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_HPBaFz-VH4https://talk.vonabisw.de/MHLots/L13.mp4

Eminence video #3 Spearbearers – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4GlQF4FyaA8&t=635shttps://talk.vonabisw.de/MHLots/L14.mp4

Eminence 4 PROTECTION – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CYLcJaU05w0https://talk.vonabisw.de/MHLots/L15.mp4

Eminence 5 Harming – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P8goAUczHYEhttps://talk.vonabisw.de/MHLots/L16.mp4

Eminence 6 Further Testing – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=921-PFKGAHEhttps://talk.vonabisw.de/MHLots/L17.mp4

Eminence 7 Further Testing #2 – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_OXuaCjbHJghttps://talk.vonabisw.de/MHLots/L18.mp4

Martien Hermes Webinars

Dr. Dorian Gieseler Greenbaum – The Daimon in Hellenistic Astrology – Origins and Influence (Brill – Ancient Magic and Devination, Band 11)https://brill.com/view/serial/AMD

Review – https://talk.vonabisw.de/MHWebinars/Daimon.mp4https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mLh1ghD0aLAhttps://www.academia.edu/39968662/The_Daimon_in_Hellenistic_Astrology_Origins_and_Influence_by_Dorian_Gieseler_Greenbaum

„Astrology, considered purely formally, is one of the grandest attempts at systematic=constructive world-viewing ever ventured by the human mind.“ – Prof. Dr. Ernst Cassirer in „Begriffsformen des mythischen Denkens“ – 1922

Youtube Martien


Youtube Volker


Martiens Homepage


https://www.astro.com/astro-databank/Hermes,_Martienhttps://astrotalk.vonabisw.de/martien-hermes-the-lots-in-astrology – Martiens Aphesis Buch bei Astronova in Tübingen – Die Lebenslinie im Horoskop – Erkennen Sie Ihre wichtigsten Lebensperioden und Ziele mit der klassischen Astrologie – https://www.astronova.de/die-lebenslinie-im-horoskop.htmlhttps://www.astronova.dehttps://www.astro.com/astrology/tma_article190314_e.htm

Martiens Filmliste


Martien on Facebook – https://www.facebook.com/Epignosis-Deeper-into-Astrology-100127251872962/https://www.facebook.com/martien.hermes

Robert Schmidt https://www.robertschmidtastrology.com/courses/take/an-introduction-to-bob-schmidt-project-hindsight/audio/22707203-whither-whence-1b

Webinar 1 – Aphesis / Zodiacal Releasing (Daimon) with Volker’s Chart

Talk am 25. März 2021https://talk.vonabisw.de/MHWebinars/MHWebinar1.mp4

Youtube – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rcryg86z334


Webinar 2 – Aphesis / Zodiacal Releasing (Daimon) with Volker’s Chart

Talk am 31. März 2021 – 9:49:19 / 9:55:59 – https://talk.vonabisw.de/MHWebinars/MHWebinar2.mp4



Webinar 3 – Aphesis / Zodiacal Releasing (Daimon) with Volker’s Chart

Talk am 14. April 2021 – 10/00 Uhr am – https://talk.vonabisw.de/MHWebinars/MHWebinar3.mp4

Youtube – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kAHYH5loxaQ


Webinar 4 – Aphesis / Zodiacal Releasing (Daimon) with Volker’s Chart

Talk am 21. April 2021https://talk.vonabisw.de/MHWebinars/MHWebinar4.mp4

Youtube – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KZGb3QN6eg0


Webinar 5 – Aphesis / Zodiacal Releasing (Daimon) with Volker’s Chart

Talk am 28. April 2021 – https://talk.vonabisw.de/MHWebinars/MHWebinar5.mp4

Youtube – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oh-PKMPEzcA


Webinar 6 – Aphesis / Zodiacal Releasing (Daimon) with Holly’s Chart




Webinar 7 – Aphesis / Zodiacal Releasing (Daimon) with Holly’s Chart


Youtube – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rKncx13Z6rY


Webinar 8 – Aphesis / Zodiacal Releasing (Daimon) with Holly’s Chart


Youtube – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w49pw-sobDs&t=3s

C. G. Jung Talks with Martien Hermes


Ascendant, Soul, Women, Aphesis etc. – A Delineation Series about the Chart of C.G. Jung – born July 26 – 1875 – 7:27:00 PM SZOT – Kesswil, Schweiz ( Source Liz Greene in „The Astrological World of Jung’s ‚Liber Novus‘: Daimons, Gods, and the Planetary Journey“ – Page 164 – https://www.amazon.de/Astrological-World-Jungs-Liber-Novus/dp/1138289175/ref=sr_1_1?__mk_de_DE=%C5M%C5%17D%D5%D1&dchild=1&keywords=greene+jung+daimons&qid=1620156355&sr=8-1

Liz Greene has the Ascendant on Aquarius 2°26 (Page 164) – Placidus

Jungs Chart with Placidus


Jungs Chart with Whole Sign Houses


Traditional Astrology in the Hellenistic / Arabic Tradition



Filmliste „The Beliefs of Astrologers“ – https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLgXnVPHyr8WMV7gMIljTvR3fUl5xb7vqw

Facebook Traditional Astrology in the Hellenistic / Arabic Traditiona private Group for practising Traditional Astrologers in the Hellenistic and Arabic Manner. Whole Sign Houses. – https://www.facebook.com/groups/167901358473377

Hermetik – The Ancient Philosophy of the Hermetica

Filmliste The Ancient Philosophy of the Hermetica and its relation to the spiritual practice of Astrologyhttps://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLgXnVPHyr8WPAnwY-PAAWyNmDIgzCgJdQ

Die hermetische Gemeinschaft in Harran nannte sich „Sabier“ ab 830 n.Chr. um der Vernichtung durch den damaligen Kalifen zu entgehen.Sie übernahmen 830 AD diese Bezeichnung, um als Buchreligion anerkannt zu werden, was Ihnen auch bis ca. 1250 nChr. auch erfolgreich gelang. s. dazu:

Prof. Dr. D. Avraamovič Chwolsohn – Die Ssabier und der Ssabismus – 1: Die Entwickelung der Begriffe Ssabier und Ssabismus und die Geschichte der harrüanischen Ssabier oder der syro-hellenistischen Heiden im nördlichen Mesopotamien und in Bagdüad zur Zeit des Chalifats – 2: Orientalische Quellen zur Geschichte der Ssabier und des Ssabismus – Amsterdam – Oriental Press – 1965 (Original 1856)

Hermetische Literatur

Die göttliche Weisheit des Hermes Trismegistos – Pseudo-Apuleius, Asclepius (Scripta Antiquitatis Posterioris ad Ethicam REligionemque pertinentia) Dorothee Gall (Herausgeber), Thomas Riesenweber (Herausgeber), Zlatko Plese (Herausgeber), & 5 mehr – Mohr Siebeck / Tübingen – 2021


Youtube – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PsnsaPf26jI

Astroseek – Articles and Themes



Zodiacal Releasing Software







Void of Course in Horary


Considerations before Judgement in Horary Astrology


Steven Birchfield A.M.A. – The Planets Degrees of Influence


The annual chart for the Vernal Equinox


The Daimon in Hellenistic Astrology – Origins and Influence (Ancient Magic and Devination)


The Myth of Er

in Plato’s Republichttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Do6s1J0KDqI&list=PLNnqqvK2yDEFU5faq6njWYWDeUilm9zV_&index=47


The Latin poet Manilius in the first century CE (Astronomica 2:693-787) gave them considerable importance. – https://www.loebclassics.com/view/LCL469/1977/pb_LCL469.liii.xml



Quote from – https://sevenstarsastrology.com/twelfth-parts-introducingdodecatemory-signs/

„The twelfth-parts produce a secondary zodiacal position for each planet and point in the chart. It is as if each point is projected into an additional hidden zodiacal position.

There are four main ways in which the twelfth-parts were used in Hellenistic astrology:

1. …

2. …

3. The twelfth-part of the Ascendant revealed thoughts/intentions;

4. Twelfth-part positions gave additional information about planetary significations that are on par with the natal positions of the planet.“



Astrodienst – https://www.astro.com/horoskope – Morinus Software – https://sites.google.com/site/tradmorinus/morinus

Dr. Benjamin Dykes explored the use of twelfth-parts in considerable depth in his translation of and commentary on Hermann of Carinthia’s “The Search of the Heart”.

Quote from https://sevenstarsastrology.com/twelfth-parts-introducingdodecatemory-signs/

„The primary use of this technique in medieval astrology was to anticipate a client’s area of concern. This usage appears to have started in Indian and/or Hellenistic use of consultation charts. This use of consultation charts preceded, and likely lead to, the development of horary astrology.“

Astroseek Chart – https://horoscopes.astro-seek.com/dodecatemoria-dwadasamsa-chart-astrology-online-calculator

Volker – https://talk.vonabisw.de/MHWebinars/5.pdf

and https://horoscopes.astro-seek.com/calculate-traditional-chart/?narozeni_den=13&narozeni_mesic=12&narozeni_rok=1949&narozeni_hodina=06&narozeni_minuta=58&narozeni_mesto_hidden=Manually%20place:%2052°37%27N,%2010°5%27E&narozeni_stat_hidden=&narozeni_podstat_kratky_hidden=&narozeni_city=&narozeni_sirka_stupne=52&narozeni_sirka_minuty=37&narozeni_sirka_smer=0&narozeni_delka_stupne=10&narozeni_delka_minuty=5&narozeni_delka_smer=0&narozeni_timezone_form=auto&narozeni_timezone_dst_form=auto&house_system=whole&house_system2=whole&asc_asp=on&hid_asc_asp=on&hid_fortune=&hid_fortune_check=on&hid_vertex=&hid_vertex_check=on&hid_chiron=&hid_chiron_check=on&hid_lilith=&hid_lilith_check=on&hid_uzel=&hid_uzel_check=on&fortune_asp=on&hid_fortune_asp=on&chiron_asp=on&hid_chiron_asp=on&uzel_asp=on&hid_uzel_asp=on&tolerance=1&aya=&dodeca=1&custom_aya=&custom_aya_zmena_smer=0&custom_aya_zmena_stupne=00&custom_aya_zmena_minuty=00&custom_aya_zmena_vteriny=00&custom_aya_vlastni_stupne=00&custom_aya_vlastni_minuty=00&custom_aya_vlastni_vteriny=00&&radix=1&aktivni_tab=2&aya=&terms=&hide_aspects=1&fixed_right=1#rozbor-zalozky



Old School Astrology – https://oldschoolastrology.com

Astroseek – https://horoscopes.astro-seek.com



CELESTIAL VIBES – Aswin Balaij Subramanyan – https://www.theabverdict.comhttps://www.youtube.com/c/CELESTIALVIBESASTROLOGY/videos


Rafael Gil Brand – https://www.astrologie-zentrum.net/index.php/de/weiterfuehrende-links

Lars Panaro – https://www.heavenlybranches.com

Beyond The Heaven Astrologyhttps://www.facebook.com/BeyondTheHeavenAstrology/posts/3412179552141548

Nightlight Astrology – https://www.youtube.com/user/humboyhum/videos

Mychal A. Brian – https://www.youtube.com/c/TheOraculosPodcast/videos

Sam Reynold – https://www.youtube.com/c/SamuelReynolds-unlockastro/videoshttps://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLaFQd3vEfo-r9bxeDuQXno3lEtH6-2-tl

Margherita Fiorellohttps://www.facebook.com/groups/255463457823136/user/1629450203https://heavenastrolabe.wordpress.com/author/heavenastrolabe/




Chris Brennan – https://www.youtube.com/c/TheAstrologyPodcast/videos

Rick Levine – https://www.youtube.com/c/RickLevine/videos

Robert Schmidt – https://www.robertschmidtastrology.comhttps://www.robertschmidtastrology.com/courses/take/an-introduction-to-bob-schmidt-project-hindsight/texts/22708994-about-whither-and-whence

Louvre – https://presse.louvre.fr/en/

New Thinking Allowed with Jeffrey Mishlove – https://www.youtube.com/c/NewThinkingAllowed/videos

Vehlow – http://www.astrologie-chirologie.com/astrologie_2.html


Golden Dawn

„Die Astrologie ist, rein formal betrachtet, einer der großartigsten Versuche systematisch=konstruktiver Weltbetrachtung, der je vom menschlichen Geist gewagt wurde.“ – Prof. Dr. Ernst Cassirer in „Begriffsformen des mythischen Denkens“ – 1922

Volker H. Schendel – Sapere Aude – Carpe Diem – Nada Brahma

Philosophie und Bücher

Bürgertreff Gesundheit Hannover (BTGH)

https://btgh.vonabisw.deWorkshop – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iK24FID2wzcYoutube Kanal – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCyHb7FB64jsAc1ApEAl7Nog/videos

Stärkung des Immunsystems / Strengthening of the Immune System

Walter van Rossum – Meine Pandemie mit Professor Drosten – Vom Tod der Aufklärung unter Laborbedingungen

Dr. Suzanne Humphreys – Fachärztin für Nephrologie – https://talk.vonabisw.de/Freiheit/SH1.mp4https://talk.vonabisw.de/Freiheit/SH2.mp4https://talk.vonabisw.de/Freiheit/SH3.mp4

Dr Suzanne Humphries Filmliste – https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLWfUcScvQbEw03rlJb-TcaUsMmOuaM5PO

Dr. med. Dr. iur. Thomas E. Levy Filmliste https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLCoy9innXotT2Kj9C6MEeY1aWEHws-7IB – Seine Bücher – https://www.amazon.de/s?k=Thomas+E.+Levy&__mk_de_DE=ÅMÅŽÕÑ&ref=nb_sb_noss 2. Filmliste https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL48axMJgfvAj-bN3yfbmFjQldVJXRiY-J

Orthomolecular Medicine http://orthomolecular.orghttp://www.orthomolecular.org/resources/omns/index.shtml

Prof. Dr. Otto Neugebauer / Prof. Dr. Richard A. Parker

Egyptian Astronomical Texts – I. The Early Decans – III. Decans, Planets, Constellations and Zodiacs 

A Mathematician’s Journeys: Otto Neugebauer and Modern Transformations of Ancient Science (Archimedes (45), Band 45) – von Alexander Jones (Herausgeber), Christine Proust (Herausgeber), John M. Steele (Herausgeber).


Prof. Dr. D. Avraamovič Chwolsohn Die Ssabier und der Ssabismus –

1: Die Entwickelung der Begriffe Ssabier und Ssabismus und die Geschichte der harrüanischen Ssabier oder der syro-hellenistischen Heiden im nördlichen Mesopotamien und in Bagdüad zur Zeit des Chalifats –

2: Orientalische Quellen zur Geschichte der Ssabier und des SsabismusAmsterdam – Oriental Press – 1965 (Original 1856)


Prof. Dr. Fuat Sezgin – Geschichte des arabischen Schrifttumshttps://gvk.k10plus.de/SET=19/TTL=47/CMD?MATCFILTER=N&MATCSET=N&ACT0=&IKT0=&TRM0=&ACT3=*&IKT3=8183&ACT=SRCHA&IKT=1016&SRT=YOP&TRM=Fuat+Sezgin+Geschichte+des+arabischen+Schrifttums.&TRM3=

Ibn Al-Nadim / Bayard Dodge The Fihrist – A 10th Century Ad Survey of Islamic Culture

Prof. Dr. Joachim Friedrich Quack – Beiträge zu den ägyptischen Dekanen und ihrer Rezeption in der griechisch-römischen Welt (Habilitationsschrift 2003 – FU Berlin)

Vettius Valens


Joanna Komorowska. Vettius Valens of Antioch – An Intellectual Monography. Ksiegarnia Akademicka, 2004 – 479 Seiten



Alcabitius – The Introduction to Astrology – editions of the Arabic and Latin texts and an English translation / Al-Qabīṣī (Alcabitius). Charles Burnetthttps://www.astro.com/astrowiki/de/Alcabitius

Prof. Dr. Kevin van Bladel – The Arabic Hermes – From Pagan Sage to Prophet of Science (Oxford Studies in Late Antiquity) 

Prof. Dr. Paola Zambelli The Speculum Astronomiae and Its Enigma: Astrology, Theology and Science in Albertus Magnus and his Contemporaries (Boston Studies in the Philosophy and History of Science, 135, Band 135) http://opac.tib.eu/DB=3/SET=1/TTL=1/SHW?FRST=2


Prof. Dr. Hellmut Ritter / Prof. Dr. Martin Plessner – Picatrix. Das Ziel des Weisen von Pseudo-MagritiWarburg – 1962

„Picatrix“ : das Ziel des Weisen von Pseudo-Maǧrīṭī / transl. into German from the Arabic by Hellmut Ritter and Martin Plessner

Picatrix : a medieval treatise on astral magic / translated with an introduction by Dan Attrell and David Porreca ; based on the Latin edition by David Pingreehttps://gvk.k10plus.de/SET=5/TTL=4/SHW?FRST=3/PRS=HOL

Prof. Dr. Richard Kieckhefer – Magic in the Middle Ages

Banu Musa – Book of Degrees


Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Hübner – Münster

Grade und Gradbezirke der Tierkreiszeichen : der anonyme Traktat De stellis fixis, in quibus gradibus oriuntur signorum; quellenkritische Edition von Wolfgang Hübner – https://gvk.k10plus.de/SET=2/TTL=4/SHW?FRST=5/PRS=HOL

Grade und Gradbezirke der Tierkreiszeichen – Kommentarhttps://gvk.k10plus.de/SET=4/TTL=5/SHW?FRST=2/PRS=HOL

Prof. Dr. Wilhelm Gundel

Sterne und Sternbilder im Glauben des Altertums und der Neuzeit

Astrologumena. Die astrologische Literatur in der Antike und ihre Geschichte 

de Stellarum Appellatione Et Religione Romana

Dekane und Dekansternbilder : Ein Beitr. zur Geschichte d. Sternbilder d. Kulturvölker. Mit einer Untersuchung der ägyptischen Sternbilder und Gottheiten der Dekane von S. Schott / Kulturwissenschaftliche Bibliothek Warburg – Studien der Bibliothek Warburg – 19

Prof. Dr. Franz Boll

Sternglaube und Sterndeutung: die Geschichte und das Wesen der Astrologie

Sphaera: Neue Griechische Texte und Untersuchungen zur Geschichte der Sternbilde

Henry Bate

The astrological autobiography of a medieval philosopher – Henry Bate’s Nativitas (1280-81) / edited and introduced by Carlos Steel, Steven Vanden Broecke, David Juste and Shlomo Sela

Abū Maʿšar

The great introduction to astrology by Abū Maʿšar – Volume 1: The Arabic original and English translation / edited and translated by Keiji Yamamoto – Charles Burnett – Volume 2: The Greek version and glossaries / Greek version edited by David Pingree

The Great Introduction to the Science of the Judgments of the Stars – translated by Ben Dykes

The Thousands of Abū Ma‘shar. By David Pingree. (Studies of the Warburg Institute, Vol. 30.) pp. viii, 148. London, Warburg Institute, University of London, 1968. 

Ibn Ezra – Prof. Dr. Shlomo Sela

Abraham Ibn Ezras’s astrological writings ; Vol. 1: The book of reasons – Leiden [u.a.] : Brill, 2007 –  398 S

Abraham Ibn Ezras’s astrological writings ; Vol. 2: The book of the world : by Shlomo Sela- Leiden [u.a.] : Brill, 2010 – 353 S.

Abraham Ibn Ezras’s astrological writings ; Vol. 3: Abraham Ibn Ezra on elections, interrogations, and medical astrology and the Book of the luminaries – Selaʿ, Shelomoh – Leiden [u.a.] : Brill, 2011 –  657 S.

Abraham Ibn Ezras’s astrological writings ; Vol. 4: Abraham Ibn Ezra on nativities and continuous horoscopy and the book of revolution – Selaʿ, Shelomoh – Leiden [u.a.] : Brill, 2013 – 588 S

Abraham Ibn Ezra’s astrological writings -Volume 5: Abraham Ibn Ezra’s introductions to astrology – the Book of the beginning of wisdom and the Book of the judgments of the zodiacal signs / by Shlomo Sela – Leiden ; Boston : Brill, 2017 – 822 Seiten

Abraham Ibn Ezras’s astrological writings ; Volume 6: latinus on nativities – Liber Nativitatum and Liber Abraham Iudei de Nativitatibus – by Shlomo Sela – Leiden ; Boston : Brill, 2019 – 564 Seiten

Abraham Ibn Ezras’s astrological writings ; Volume 7: Latinus on Elections and Interrogations of Liber Electionum, Liber Interrogationum, and Tractatus Particulares / by Shlomo Sela – Leiden ; Boston : Brill, 2020 – 633 pages

Prof. Dr. Raphael Levy / Prof. Dr. Francisco Cantera – Editors – The Beginning of Wisdom – An Astrological Treatise by Abraham Ibn Ezra – 1939

Peter Stockinger – A German Stargazer’s Book of Astrology ((Astronomia Teutsch Astronomei 1545) – https://www.amazon.de/gp/product/1906958599/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1

From MāshāAllāh to Kepler


Astrology in Time and Place: Cross-Cultural Questions in the History of Astrology


Dr. Liana Saif – The Arabic Influences on Early Modern Occult Philosophy (Palgrave Historical Studies in Witchcraft and Magic) 

Unveiling the Hidden – Anticipating the Future: Divinatory Practices Among Jews Between Qumran and the Modern Period (Prognostication in History, Band 5) 

Hellenistic Astronomy: The Science in Its Contexts (Brill’s Companions to Classical Studies)

David Brown – The Interactions of Ancient Astral Science

Dipl. Psych. Rafael Gil Brand

Lehrbuch der klassischen Astrologie – Ein besonderes Augenmerk legt der Autor auf die in Vergessenheit geratenen Deutungselemente. – https://www.astronova.de/lehrbuch-der-klassischen-astrologie.html

Himmlische Matrix – Die Bedeutung der Würden in der Astrologiehttps://www.astronova.de/himmlische-matrix.html

Apokryphen der Astrologie

Eine Anthologie zu Wissenschaft und Astrologie – https://www.astronova.de/apokryphen-der-astrologieapokryphen-der-astrologie-3.html – lieferbar als Studienausgaben – https://astrotalk.vonabisw.de/volkers-buecher

Dr. Walter A. Koch

Horoskop und Himmelshäuser – Grundlagen und Altertum – https://www.astronova.de/horoskop-und-himmelshaeuser.html

Toni Wolff

Toni Wolff & C. G. Jung: A Collaboration – 2017

Prof. Dr. Susanne Bobzien

Fate and Free Will – Determinism and freedom in Stoic philosophy


Fate, providence and moral responsibility in ancient, medieval and early modern thought : studies in honour of Carlos Steel / ed. by Pieter D’Hoine and Gerd Van Riel – https://gvk.k10plus.de/SET=10/TTL=1/SHW?FRST=5/PRS=HOL

Prof. Dr. Nicola Denzey Lewis

Cosmology and Fate in Gnosticism and Graeco-Roman Antiquity: Under Pitiless Skies (Nag Hammadi and Manichaean Studies, Band 81)  https://gvk.k10plus.de/SET=9/TTL=1/SHW?FRST=7/PRS=HOL

Lynn Thorndike – A History of Magic and Experimental Science

Lynn Thorndike – The Place of Magic in the Intellectual History of Europe; Vol. XXIV  – https://gvk.k10plus.de/SET=2/TTL=1/SHW?FRST=9/PRS=HOL

Prognostication in the Medieval World

A Handbook (De Gruyter Reference) – Volume 1 / 2 – Herausgeber Matthias Heiduk – Klaus Herbers – Hans-Christian Lehner

Prof. Dr. Peter Kingsley – Catafalque //. Gary Lachmann – Jung – The Mystic

Austin Coppock – Faces – Magic – https://austincoppock.com/shop/36-faces-the-history-astrology-and-magic-of-the-decans/


Hans Thomas Hakl

Eranos – Nabel der Welt – Glied der goldenen Kette – Die alternative Geistesgeschichte

Gustav Meyrink als magisch-esoterischer Dichter: Zur Einführung in die Probleme seiner Romane

Das Mysterium des Grals 

Octagon – Die Suche nach Vollkommenheit: Die Suche nach Vollkommenheit im Spiegel einer religionswissenschaftlichen, philosophischen und im besonderen … Forschungen in deutscher Sprache) 

Octagon – The Quest for Wholeness: mirrored in a library dedicated to religious studies, philosophy and esotericism in particular (Esoterische und … Forschungen in deutscher Sprache)

Der verborgene Geist von Eranos. Unbekannte Begegnungen von Wissenschaft und Esoterik. Eine alternative Geistesgeschichte des 20. Jahrhunderts – https://carljungdepthpsychologysite.blog/2020/05/17/gerhard-wehr-and-eranos-a-navel-of-the-world/#.YHh-wzRR28Y

Die Grundlagen der okkulten Wissenschaft: Die Wissenschaft der Magier 


New Approaches to the Study of Esotericism (Supplements to Method & Theory in the Study of Religion, Band 17) 

Islamicate Occult Sciences in Theory and Practice (Handbook of Oriental Studies. Section 1 the Near and Middle East, Band 140) 

Prof. Dr. Will-Erich Peuckert

Geschichte der Geheimwissenschaften – Band 1 –  Astrologie – Band 2 – Die Rosenkreutzer – Band 3  – Pansophie

Eugene Rolfe – Encounter With Jung

Prof. Dr. Kocku von Stuckrad – Das Ringen um die Astrologie – Jüdische und christliche Beiträge zum antiken Zeitverständnis

Dr. Dorian Gieseler Greenbaum – The Daimon in Hellenistic Astrology: Origins and Influence (Ancient Magic and Devination, Band 11)

Prof. Dr. Keiron Le Grice – The Archetypal Cosmos – Rediscovering the Gods in Myth, Science and Astrology

Die göttliche Weisheit des Hermes Trismegistos – Pseudo-Apuleius, Asclepius (Scripta Antiquitatis Posterioris ad Ethicam REligionemque pertinentia) – Dorothee Gall (Herausgeber), Thomas Riesenweber (Herausgeber), Zlatko Plese (Herausgeber), & 5 mehr – Mohr Siebeck / Tübingen – 2021


Volker GBZ – https://talk.vonabisw.de/Volker/VolkerGBZ.pdf

Biographie – https://talk.vonabisw.de/Volker/VolkerBiographie.pdfhttps://talk.vonabisw.de/Volker/VolkerBiography.pdf






As long as Decans and Dodekatemorien are not fully understood by me for my Genethlialogy practise and Triplicity remains to be fully integrated as well as all of Vettius Valens I’m very content to leave everything from Ptolemy and onwards for other people to be concerned with. Aphesis – Zodiacal Releasing alone is unbelievable complex if You follow the Webinars with Martien Hermes and that’s just from Spirit. Maybe I have to meet personally with Nechepsos and Petosiris like Jung did in the Red Book. That certainly would be OK with Valens. Maybe he did just that.


I belong to the disíntegration group (keine Transsaturnier, Chirons, Asteroiden oder Eres)- I come from the modern and am now without anything after Lilly and am even critical of his Regiomontanus – and I don’t miss anything and I’m very sceptical about the modernness of Morinus.